Brooklyn nine nine season 3 download
Brooklyn nine nine season 3 download

brooklyn nine nine season 3 download

Holt is wary when Wuntch guest star Kyra Sedgwick lets Jake work his dream case, worried that she is setting him up to fail.

brooklyn nine nine season 3 download

Meanwhile, Charles and Gina try to convince Terry to stay at the Nine-Nine when he considers accepting an offer to work at a private security firm. Across town, Holt and Rosa try to avoid intimate conversation during a double-date with their significant others. Holt assigns Amy and Rosa to investigate the truth. Jake's mainly absentee father, Roger guest star Bradley Whitfordcomes to town to spend some time with his son. However, Jake and Amy get sidetracked chasing a criminal, and Terry struggles to officiate the wedding. Meanwhile, at the precinct, Charles tries to get a confession out of a geriatric suspect who pretends to be senile and adorable whenever Amy and Rosa are around. Meanwhile, Gina administers a psychological exam to Holt, and Amy and Rosa compete for a day off from work. That is, until the agent in charge guest star Nick Kroll assigns them the lame role of playing hostages.

brooklyn nine nine season 3 download

Jake is heartbroken over Sophia guest star Eva Longoriabut his spirits are lifted when the squad is invited to a Homeland Security terrorist training simulation. Meanwhile, Amy and Holt team up to re-open the Brooklyn Broiler case. Meanwhile, Charles helps Rosa send romantic texts to her new boyfriend guest star Nick Cannonand Gina tries to get Amy drunk, simply for her own enjoyment. Meanwhile, Gina and Boyle are nervous that their parents might be getting too close, and Santiago makes Holt a Christmas gift against his wishes. Holt offers the perp a plea deal to help track down the drug kingpin. Meanwhile, Rosa adamantly refuses to admit she is sick to Terry and Gina, and Charles is eager to help Holt with his anniversary breakfast. Meanwhile, the rest of the team helps Amy quit smoking. While attempting to catch a drug dealer, Jake and Charles reluctantly join forces with the nerdy lead investigator at the U. Season 3 BEST MOMENTS - Brooklyn Nine-NineĪmy is less confident, as things spiral out of control. The precinct goes into lockdown mode on Thanksgiving night and Jake, who was left in charge, is confident in his ability to keep spirits high and avoid chaos. Meanwhile, Gina and Charles work to put their relationship behind them. Jake hits it off with Sophia guest star Eva Longoriaa woman whom he meets at a bar, only to find out she is the defense attorney for a perp he is trying to put in jail. Meanwhile, Gina is upset that her dance team, Floorgasm, kicks her off the squad and Terry confronts her about her bad attitude. Holt is taken by surprise when his longtime nemesis, Deputy Chief Madeline Wuntch guest star Kyra Sedgwick arrives for an inspection of his precinct.

Brooklyn nine nine season 3 download